IVIS is a Wine Production, Vineyard Management, and Quality Management System (QMS). Started in 2002 and supported by some of the best winemakers in the U.S. & Canada, IVIS has grown into a very effective & comprehensive software tool for winemaking. Whether your concerns are compliance, planning, work control, cost tracking, or quality management, IVIS handles it.  IVIS is 100% committed to customer service.
Because Innovative Vinology Information System is a small, family-run business, customer service is top priority. Training is given as much time as is required. On-site, telephone, and virtual training and updating sessions are all provided. Furthermore, the software grows and evolves with your aspirations, and features are added regularly, as they are needed. The primary goal of IVIS is to fully satisfy our customers needs for an effective and powerful information tool. Our support and experience guarantees that will happen. Check out our fine testimonials. IVIS works in the Cellar. IVIS organizes all records involved in the winemaking process. State-of-the-art data capture uses technologies such as connected scales, RFID, Tablet PCs, barcodes, work modeling, equipment monitoring & control, and Artificial Intelligence (eg, to anticipate which lots need most immediate attention) to help reduce the amount of stress & work, and likelihood of errors in the cellar. Redundant data-entry is eliminated, further adding to the value of your information. Every data-point has multiple uses, maximizing your data-entry investment. IVIS empowers the winemaker and support staff to do the best possible job, both in winemaking and in keeping “the story of the wine.” IVIS works in the Vineyard.
IVIS tracks any and all vineyard work down to the vine level. Pesticide and fertilizer applications can be tracked and accumulated to the acre. Costing, payroll support, equipment utilization/maintenance, and supply tracking are easy. Any number of vineyards can be managed, from within the office or directly in the field.  IVIS works in the Office. Innovative Vinology Information System smoothly integrates the day-to-day operations of the business by using advanced Relational Database Design, and Electronic Document Management functions. All federal and state government reporting requirements are met, including the FDA Anti-bioterrorism guidelines. IVIS also fully supports any services provided by your winery or vineyard, including custom crush, vineyard management, and consulting.  For more information on Innovative Vinology Information System (IVIS), please do not hesitate to contact us, we are always happy to help! ©2021 - IVISsoftware.com |